Zuck Pretty sweet.

The Controversial Decisions of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for their Paid Versions

Meta Platforms will start charging for premium services and Elon Musk’s social platform, even for account security

The giants of the entertainment industry are taking steps in the same direction and producing a lot of controversy in their wake. In a difficult economic moment, companies like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix… have begun to make their services more expensive, finding some resistance among their customers.

All this is based on the controversy of their decisions. For example, Netflix has had to take a step back in its strategy to end shared accounts for free and has already relaxed its requirements as well as launched offers in order to avoid the loss of subscribers.

On the other hand, Twitter was the social platform that opened this controversial step at the hands of its CEO Elon Musk, which began charging with Twitter Blue for services that were in high demand among its clients for years, such as the ability to edit messages or get the blue check. He has now even removed “two-factor authentication” from his free service and is going to start charging for it.

And the most recent to join the list have been Instagram and Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg has argued that Meta Platforms will start a new phase very soon that includes a paid service for using some premium services of these two social networks.

The exposure that has most outraged many of its users has been, once again, the fact of paying to have a verified account. The blue check becomes a payment element, something that on Twitter generated a large number of problems whose legal repercussions remain to be seen.

It is interesting that these three social platforms have decided that aspects such as account security or the blue check have to be something for which their users have to pay, right?

From what is understood, the premium service will cost between 12 and 14 dollars per month! includes “proactive account protection, access to account support, and increased reach and visibility.” Whoever uses these social networks will have to have two different subscriptions. Likewise, Zuckerberg has no doubt said it on his official Instagram profile: “the premium service will give prominence in some areas of the platform, such as search, comments, and recommendations.”

Finally, New Zealand and Australia will start receiving the premium pack next week. Which countries will be next?

Andrea Esteban